Help I'm late!

I am 4 days late on my period. My so and I have sex on a regular basis. I am not on any bc but we use condoms, no notice of any breakage or anything. When I was supposed to start my period I felt the symptoms, bloating, mild cramping, heavy/tender breasts, etc but no blood came. Since then, I am now also having some mild but constant nausea, am extremely emotional, and I want to eat everything. 2nd day late had two spots. Yesterday I had some milky discharge with a tiny bit of pink but today nothing. Even had sex last night because sometimes (this might sound weird) but it jumpstarts my period and nothing. However, the sex was way more incredible than normal, I was SUPER sensitive down there and in my breasts. Maybe I'm just over thinking it and my cycle is just changing or something but this all just seems unusual. Thoughts? Thank you!