I'm out.. Thinking of taking a break 😔

Hayley • Luke 7/15/17; Colt 6/14/19; #boymom 💙💙
Well my body has officially exhausted me with trying to figure out what's normal. One month my boobs will be extremely sore from O up til AF the next they are only sore for a few days before, one month I will be extremely bloated after O up til AF the next it's a just the week before, my cervix will feel high closed and soft up til AF then the next it's rock hard a week before and now finally this month just when I though we may have made it because I've been having white creamy cm for the last week which ice literally never had before (normally it's just watery) I felt my cervix last night and it was low and firm and I still have about 4 days til AF is supposed to show. That's how I know I'm out is when my cervix is real hard. I think I'm gonna take a break from glow and just use a regular calendar to mark my period so I know when to expect it. I'm feeling so so depressed the more we try and have no success. 😔😢