Marriage problems

So my husband and I have been together for almost two years and we now have a one month old together we are coming up on a year of marriage in September. I have this feeling that I no longer want to be with him he's a great guy and has made a few bad choices one 4 months after we started dating I found messages on his phone from one of his long time friends he asking her why they have never hooked up and a few other things I didn't approve of I questioned him about it and he removed her from Facebook and claims he's hasn't talked to her since. Threw out my pregnancy he didn't help with the household chores and blamed my hormones for me being a bitch or crazy and didn't really do things I asked him to do he was at the hospital for the birth and has been around since the birth however I feel
Like I am the one always taking care of her he works all day to come home for about 15 mins to let his dogs out then head to our new house to "work" I've caught him on Facebook or talking to friends on the phone when I drop by anyways he will work till about 9 or 10 at night then comes home showers and goes to bed. 
Last night we went to his friends wedding he was a best man and had to be with a girl that I do not care for because she tried to sleep with him before him and I were together but then she got in a big fight with us and it went down hill since then I haven't liked her well last night they made the groomsmen stand I front of the bridesmaids and they had the bridesmaids take off the men's ties,jackets,vests, roll up their pants and roll down the socks personally I didn't like her touching my husband and so that pissed me off that he let her do that I'm sorry if that sounds shallow but it truly hurt me emotionally anyways it ended our night in a huge fight. 
I am just out of love for him I care about him but my heart truly doesn't want to be with him anymore what do I do I've told him and have asked for a divorce he claims he wants to make things work and will do whatever but I feel he is all talk and I just don't know if I care either anyone else been in this situation?