In laws :/

Does anyone else have mom in law that just wants to be in charge and have to be apart of EVERYTHING??? Like even things that hubby and I would want to do just ourselves? I'm due in Feb and his already telling us next thanksgiving we need to stay at her house and next Christmas <a href="">eve</a> we need to spend the night at her house so we wake up at her house Christmas day with the baby? Does anyone else find that annoying or is just me
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Posted at
Ashlee I completely understand and hubs is such a mommas boy bc he&apos;s her only one so that makes it 10 times worse and he can&apos;t tell her no


Shawna • Nov 30, 2014
it's definitely nice knowing other people that go through the same thing... I always feel like I'm just being too hard and don't get the support from hubby but now I know it's not just me


Ashlee • Nov 29, 2014
Seeing other people on here that go through similar things.


Ashlee • Nov 29, 2014
His bro that deals with the same thing so I don't feel completely crazy and alone in the situation. It's also nice


Posted at
I could go on and on and on. I feel ya. We get treated like children. If we don't conform to her ways and do what she wants, then they're victims and negatively gossip about you.&nbsp;


Posted at
My mil is very similar. I hate confrontations but I have finally had to put my foot down about a few things with our oldest and with this pregnancy.&nbsp;


Posted at
She's really excited and sometimes I have to remember that people get excited because of experiences they have had and I try to just tell them politely that my husband and I want our first Christmas to be with just ourselves. Sometimes they forget that they are grandparents and only see a new baby. Hope all goes well though!&nbsp;


Posted at
Oh the stories I could tell about mine! Like how she thought I was gaining too much weight and gave me child size portions of food at Xmas! Or when the baby was born and she didn't think I was breastfeeding enough. She said could probably breastfeed her too. No thanks! It's all about control with mine. Things got better when I stopped being nice and started telling her no. I had to get my husband (her pride and joy) on the same page though.&nbsp;


Ra • Dec 2, 2014
He's a man. He will cave eventually haha!


Shawna • Dec 1, 2014
I would hold out on sex but he's holding out on me haha he says he's weirded out having sex now that he's felt the baby move :/ I'm deprived haha


Ra • Dec 1, 2014
Oh she's mean to him too, so that helped :-) u can always hold out on sex too j/k! Haha


Posted at
That&apos;s my biggest problem... I don&apos;t wanna start anything and upset people but it&apos;s gotta give somewhere right?? I mean it&apos;s our first child so there&apos;s alot of firsts for us too :/


Shawna • Nov 30, 2014
Oh I know how that is! he jus tells me she's just excited and all that which I totally get but she's done some things that in my eyes have just overstepped a bit much


Amber • Nov 30, 2014
Want to tell his mom no.


Amber • Nov 30, 2014
Our son was her first (and only) grand baby. My husband is an only child, so it makes it even worse because he doesn't


Posted at
Yea I completely understand the fact that this her her first biological grandchild so it&apos;s really exciting for her but she&apos;s like the only one that acts how she does and hub told.her we&apos;d almost without hesitation. I figured he&apos;d be like we&apos;ll we could.coke.over when we wake up kinda.thing but he didnt