How soon did family meet the baby?

How soon after your baby was born did immediate family (parents, siblings) meet him/her? Obviously assuming you have a good relationship with them.
My husband's family lives a 20 hour drive away which is definitely far. His dad flew out to see our LO at 1 month but his mom & sisters haven't made any plans at all to come see her and she's 7 weeks. I think part of why it bothers me is we've gone to see them so many times over the last 5 years and they have never once visited us. Am I overreacting thinking its hurtful that they haven't at least made plans or given a reason why they can't come yet? I'd totally understand if it was due to work or money but it's not.
Most of my family lives closer but my dad lives just as far away and he caught a flight the day she was born so he could meet her.