Help please - new to this!


Hi everyone! My hubby and I are trying for baby #2 and I was on the Mirena for 3 years. So I bought some of the pink clear blue opk to track and see how I was doing after the Mirena. I'm into my second cycle. Glow originally said my fertile window would start today.

I've been testing morning with a negative.. Well yesterday morning I forgot to test so I waited all day to make sure I had at least 4 hours with our urinating so I tested about 530 and got my first smiley! However this morning at 7am I got an empty circle.. So do i have a short window? Did I already ovulate? We BD Saturday night so the day before I got the smiley just not sure if this cycle is now over or what?

Thanks for any insight!

*update tested again at 1140am and got another smile but this morning was just a circle.. This is so confusing! Lol

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Sometimes the surge comes and goes very quickly- but once you get a positive you still have 12-36 hours (approximately) before you ovulate, and then the egg lives another 12-24 hours once if drops, so even if you did get your positive you still have time!  Have fun and good luck :)


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My Opk directions say not to test first thing in the morning as the LH hormone is synthesized then, best to test between 10am-8pm. Maybe that's the difference in your test is the timing.


Jessica • Jun 27, 2016
thank you! I've read that about other people's but the directions say anytime just make sure it's 4 hours since last urination. maybe I'll try again this afternoon and see?