Newborn and sleep habits

My baby is 2.5 weeks old and he refuses to sleep anywhere but with me. Either on my chest or on a pillow next to me in bed. I don't let him sleep on the bed because my husband is a heavy sleeper so I lay him on a pillow that makes him face level with me so I can wrap my arm around him, I don't move in my sleep much, only to adjust my hips when they hurt. I know about sids but no one gets sleep when he's not with me. And last night he rolled on his stomach and slept for 6 hours, I had to wake hi. This morning to feed and change his Diaper, usually he wakes every 3 hours to eat. I was shocked! I'm scared to let him sleep on his stomach but he seems so much happier even when he was awake he was happier. What can I do? I'm wondering if I put him in his crib on his stomach of he will sleep there I stead of In bed with me.