My BF aunt is supposed to get us a car seat and stroller for the baby. I was going to buy my own but his mom basically told us we were crazy to buy one when someone already said they would get it. I understand to an extent because it would be very convenient not to buy our own. Save some money. But I really want to buy it myself. They one my BF and I picked and everything. But I'm going to let his aunt do it for us. The day before my baby shower her FIL passed away and about a week later they had the funeral. I understand it gunna take time especially with death in the family. But the way his mother said it made it seem like she already had bought the car seat and stroller so I said we could always go pick it up. She said her sister hadn't bought it yet. And I'm 35 weeks on Wednesday. Idk what to do. I'm confused and I'm nesting very hard this time around. I may have to give birth two weeks early because of low platelets and I told his mother that and she tells me I have all the time in the world. Don't listen to a doctor basically. So I have two weeks to get a car seat and stroller. And obviously they aren't going to get it to me in time. Idk what to do because I spent the money I saved for the stroller and car seat and now I definitely won't have anymore until the end of July. Two weeks AFTER she is supposed to be here. Idk, I just needed to rant.