my son is HERE.!

at 36 weeks & 3 days i went into labor w my son.! at around 11, after a bunch of begging lOl me and SO had sex--afterwards i was feeling a lil off and hit so i took a cool shower && it made me feel a lil better--i sat on the edge of my bed and ate a piece of chocolate cake, later down and 5 mins later i felt a little trickle i didn't really panic cause i thought it was just a lil pee or something lOl but then i felt a big gush, stood up and then SPLASH.! i woke my SO up in the calmest way to tell him my water broke and he hopped up in a panic and started running around the house trying to get everything situated to leave lOl i spent so much time laughing at him that i couldn't even get dressed myself but finally got it together to get out the house lOl when i got to the hospital i was only two centimeters and they wanted me to progress on my own so no pitocin yet--now i got to the hospital around 1am on june 21st and around 8 am they started the pitocin to speed things up because my baby heart rate was going up and down BUT that pitocin was not a good idea apparently and my son didn't take to it very well because as my contractions were getting stronger and closer together his heart rate would decrease a lot with every contraction so they held off on giving me any pain meds so i felt everything.! finally at around 11:45ish they decided to prep me for a emergency csection which i was fine with at that point under the circumstances--i was so scared but i just wanted my baby to get here safe by any means--my SO was there w me thru the entire procedure, at one point i remember trying to let his hand go and he's like "don't let my hand go" i guess he was just as scared as i was--well at 12:30pm exactly my 6 pound 12 ounce baby boy was born, just perfect.! my water broke at 12:30am and he was born exactly 12 hours later, thru it all i am grateful and every inch of pain was worth it for my baby boy--i am in love all over again.!