38 weeks today...

Natalie • Servant of Jesus... Wifey to an amazing hubby... Mother of the 2 best boys in the world with 1 more on the way. He's due to arrive July 11th but only God knows.🙏💏💙💙💙
These last few weeks are going by so slooow! Had my weekly doc appointment today... They still won't check my cervix until 39 weeks which kind of bummed me out. I just want to know if there's any bit of progress going on down there lol. I feel like there is. I told my doc that I've been having lots of BH but that's all. Hopefully our boy comes out soon. Doc said she thinks he will be at least an 8 or 9 pounder. Our other 2 boys were 8.4lbs and 8.6lbs so she's most likely right. I just want to hold our sweet baby boy sooo bad! I see all these other mommy's (that were due in July like me) having their babies. When can it be our turn?! Lol sorry for the rant... Just needed to vent. Above all... (even though I'm complaining) God has his perfect timing for everything. He knows what best for baby boy and I.🙏💙