Lazy baby?

So I have an anterior placenta, and I know that interferes with feeling movements. He's also head down and ready to go. But I never really feel him kick. I feel him move, like I can feel him readjusting but it's never like kicking. Just squirming. My first was ALL over the place all the time in my belly. Hyper active to the extreme. Even after he was born, he'd kick his legs anytime he was awake. He started running at 11months and hasn't stopped since. So this whole not moving a lot is very odd to me. Does anyone else have a chill baby? I feel him a couple times a day, more at night usually, and I haven't been asked to kick count yet. I'm not concerned about his health, he's a gorgeous baby anatomically and every ultrasound tech has said he's got a strong heart. But is this a temperament? Is he going to be a chill baby? Lol. What do you ladies think?