Birth control question

So I've been on birth control for quite awhile. I stopped taking it then started up again. I usually took it at 10 at night. But since my job gets busy around that time I don't have time to take it right at the time. I either go home and forget and take it in the morning. Sometimes miss two or more pills but take them. So I decided to switch times and take it st 8 in the morning. I would usually snooze the alarm and take it around 9 or 10 in the morning But I haven't gotten my period in a month. I took a pregnant test, came out negative. I wanted to go back to taking the pill at night. I wanted to know if it was the major time difference or what?! Someone please give me answers I'm desperate. I want to see or hear any before I go to the to my gyno and do all that copying and stuff lol.