MIL blatantly disregards my wishes.

I have had a little trouble with my pregnancy thus far. I've had a threatened miscarriage, a tear in the gestational sac, and was hospitalized for dehydration due to excessive vomiting/diarrhea. I am now a stay-at-home wife, because of these problems. This has also prevented me from doing a lot of things I normally love to do such as going to the lake/ocean, hiking, etc. So, here's my new problem. My MIL does not care what I say or how I feel. My husband and I got married a little over a year ago. She just volunteered me to let a woman she knows borrow my wedding decorations. She did not ask me at any point in time. Then, she said "I told her you wouldn't care to decorate the church or direct her wedding." (My FIL is the pastor of the church) What do you mean you TOLD her!? You didn't even ask me!? I didn't even plan on going to her wedding in the first place. Now I have been volunteered to decorate and direct it? I told her absolutely not on that one. Then, we brought our puppy to her house. I told her we do not allow her to have people food and she isn't allowed on our furniture. My husband and I walk back in the room and she has my puppy sitting on the couch, feeding her cheddar cheese potato chips. My husband said "Mom. I told you, we don't let her have people food." She said "It's just chips!" Then, my FIL overheard our conversation and said "Honey, if they asked you not to give the dog people food, then don't. And don't let her on the couch if they don't do it at their house." She continued to feed our dog chips until my husband picked her up and we left. This may not seem like a big deal, but I am terrified she will give my baby food and drinks we do not approve of or do not allow him/her to have at home. She constantly undermines me because she has 6 children and thinks she knows best. I have a lot of respect for her and her experience with children, but I do not have respect for the fact that she constantly disregards everything my husband and I say. Anyone else afraid to leave their kids with their parents/in-laws? (I'm going to leave this anonymous because there is another pregnant woman at church. While she doesn't know the situation, she knows my name.)