We announced today!

Last year our daughter only asked Santa for 3 things for Christmas. A puppy, a cookie, and a baby. We were so excited to announce a pregnancy to her but God had different plans. We were all heartbroken to find out a few weeks later baby wasn't going to make it. Knowing that God had called that little one home with him was the toughest news to hear, but little did we know that God was planning to give her her Christmas wish ON Christmas of next year! We are so excited to announce that we are due with another little bundle of joy coming the end of December 2016! 
All prayers for a healthy continued pregnancy are greatly appreciated❤️ 
😂😂 had to throw this one out there! To funny
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Should of kept it so one day you can show her friends and husband


Elizabeth • Jun 28, 2016
Good! That's one thing I love about being a mom, being embarrassing


Alexandria • Jun 28, 2016
Oh I didn't mean 'out' as in away I just meant throw it out in the post! Trust me I didn't delete the pic it's so funny