
I'm a week late. I had BD everyday that was my fertile day.  Every morning I feel sick to my stomach.  I've been sleeping a lot.  Can never make it on time to work.  Mood swings like crazy.  And my nipples have gotten darker and larger.  My boobs feel really heavy and to believe it or not I have a little belly starting.  This isn't my first pregnancy it's my second.  I lost my first one at 8 weeks.  And I did have a belly with that one.  Ive taken pregnancy test and had 2 Vvvfl and then one negative I have an appointment set up to get blood work drawn Thursday.  In my first pregnancy I didn't know I was pregnant until I had my miscarriage because I kept getting negatives. That's why I've taken this step so soon.  I've felt some cramps similar to period cramps but on my left side.  Today I have been really wet but no blood or anything.  On top of it all my SO grandma said that God had given her a message that I was pregnant.  My dad asked me out of random if I was pregnant. My friend Has the feeling that I'm pregnant. Have any of you experienced this and have actually been pregnant.  

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