Bleeding during early pregnancy

Me and my partner when the to the doctors yesterday as the last 3 months I have had regular abnormal bleeding and cramps.we have been ttc for a year and a half now and I was ready to give up.the doc told me I was pregnant as I had a positive test but due to the Heavy bleeding and severe cramping on one side,I was rushed to hospital.i have had no clots or anything like that tho.they scanned me and everything looked normal apart from now sac and large cysts all over both ovarys. my hcg levels are 326.i have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get them really tested as they said that I could either be miscarrying have an ectopic pregnacy or i could be really early.either way they are going to have to probably remove both ovarys at some point.i am so worried atm I have hardly slept.has any of you mummys had any similar experiences?