***Warning long.***Am I overreacting? Please help.

Long story short I grew up in a home with a sister, mom and Dad. Sister,3 years older, was the princess and couldn't do wrong (in Dad's eyes), Dad was verbally and physically abusive to me and at times my Mom. My Mom and I have always been extremely close. To me it was my job to protect her, i thought, so i would take the abuse a lot so she didnt have to. Everything between us changed completely last Thursday. She made some really hurtful comments about how I am too hard on my, 13 year old, daughter and she was going to resent the baby (17w1d pregnant) if I didn't let her be involved in every step. My daughter has been so far but before the last appt she was really being awful so I was questioning it. My Mom even made a comment that I was worse than my Dad among other things. At that point I told her that I was upset about her comments and stopped responding. Since then I haven't talked to her, we typically talked every day. I haven't gotten an apology or nothing, not even checking on the baby. I have had 3 miscarriages in the last 2 years. I reached out to her by text, 3 days later after no apology still, and told her I didn't feel like I did anything wrong and I shouldn't be the one making the first step but I had calmed down and thought about things. I explained again that her comments were rude, hateful, unnecessary and not true. That if she truly felt that way she wasn't obligated to be in our lives. Now 3 more days since then and still nothing from her. But today, my sister who I'm not close with, texted me. She said that she had talked to my mom and she was crying and upset, because of my text, and that I needed to call her. I explained I wasn't going to call her and I didn't owe her anything. So like many times before my mom is wanting a pity party for her and is making me into the bad guy. I don't know what to do. I had plans to get a gender scan done Friday and have a bakery make cupcakes for a gender reveal so all of us could find out when we were all together to celebrate my birthday on the 4th. She was also wanting to throw me a shower since we have barely anything for a baby. My husband, best friend and I don't feel like I'm overreacting but they may just being nice. I never thought our relationship would come to this honestly. But it seems like everytime I find extreme happiness she finds a way to ruin it. What do you ladies think am I overreacting???