Intense pressure in head

Rhandi • I'm 25 and pregnant with my first child :) I'm very excited and nervous at the same time.

I am 36 weeks and for the past few months I will get this intense pressure in my head. It doesn't matter if I'm laying down, sitting up or standing. It used to just build up but then it would go away. The past month, it's gotten worse and has actually caused episodes of passing out.

I've mentioned it to all of the doctors I see and they've told me Tylenol and Caffiene during the day and Tylenol pm at night (I haven't slept in a week and half). Neither of those work. We've ruled out preeclampsia and hellp syndrome through checking blood pressure, urine and blood draws.

I have taken showers/baths with medicated bath soap to see if it's sinus related and that hasn't worked. I was told to call back today if I continued to have the issue or if it got worse. It has but truthfully, I feel stupid calling because I know all they are going to tell me is that there's nothing to do.

Has anyone else had this issue and figured out how to treat it or any advice? My head feels like it's going to explode and I hate knowing I'm home alone and having episodes of passing out.