Anyone with a subchorionic hemorrhage or a "bleed"? Kind of long..

I was told last week that I had a "bleed" underneath the pregnancy. The only thing that comes up when I search this up is subchorionic hemorrhage. I've read lots of stories on the Internet and on here, and the people that have got diagnosed with this, have been put on bed rest or pelvic rest. I wasn't. The woman who did my scan told me it's nothing to worry about. Her exact words were, "you do have a small bleed underneath the pregnancy, but it's fine it's just because of how early it is". She explained that it's why they don't usually like doing scans so early because sometimes they see things that doesn't even mean anything because they disappear in a few weeks. I have another scan next week. She said it should have improved by then. The point is she basically told me that it's nothing and I have nothing to worry about but just to expect some brown discharge. I mentioned this to my midwife on Monday and she said the exact same, and that I have nothing to worry about its just caused by implantation. Now when I've read these women's stories, they've been told to rest, avoid sex and orgasm as it can be dangerous and affect the baby. So I'm confused because I didn't get told by any of this. I know i shouldn't even worry because they told me not to but I can't help being confused because I haven't been told what it's called and the only thing that comes up is a subchorionic hemorrhage. And when I've asked advice on here previously I've been told it's this also. But my situation seems very different to all of the other women's stories so it can't be. I'm worrying so much because I have been very active still and (sorry tmi) in the bedroom too. But the pelvic rest rules mustn't apply to me or else I would have been told by my midwife. As you can tell my mind is just going back and forth. Of course I'm hoping it's not this and that I've been worrying for nothing. I'm definitely going to ask more questions about it when I go back and my mind will probably be put at rest once I see the baby again anyway but I just want to know, people that actually have this, can you explain what you were told? Does my situation seem different to yours?