To the TTC ladies :

I, personally don't know what it is like to have infertility issues. It took me two years to get a sticky baby, never once did I think I might have had issues. BUT, your day is coming! You are strong, you are smart, you are beautiful, & you deserve that big fat positive! I say a prayer for all my women on here, that You get the chance to have a sticky baby. I know, that seeing a negative test every month can be very, depressing. You feel like it'll never happen, you feel like it's "you" & that your SO will leave you Bc you can't give him a baby, you want nothing in the world but a BFP & to carry full term. I hope, that one day you all get a BFP & have a precious angel. 
It will happen ladies. Don't give up. 
Have faith. 
& no matter  LOVE YOURSELF for the way God made you.. 