Could I Be Pregnant!?😳

Hiya Guys! 
So I am on my 11th Cycle Day. My last period was on June 20th---24th which is normally short for me, usually it lasts 5-7days, and it was irregularly heavy. I am sexually active with long term boyfriend, we use the withdrawal method (as both of us are comfortable together, we have discussed what could happen, please no judgement) So with that! Here are the days I've had sex in the last month ;; 
May {21st,22nd,27th}
June {3-5th about 4 times total, 10-12th about 4 times as well, 18-19 resulting in sex 3 times, 24-27th sex 6 times} 
My last recorded ovulation was June 1st-9th
In the last couple of days, I have had to leave work early, due to being very dizzy, extremely tired, nauseous, I am constipated, I feel like peeing a lot but nothing really happens, I am also drinking a shit ton, like I am always thirsty. But not really hungry, although I do force myself to eat a bit. The nausea has been happening in the evenings and I find myself getting over heated quickly, and I am a light duty cleaner (not an excruciating job.) 
My discharge is very odd as well, it's almost like wet toilet paper, it's very clumpy and my vaginal area is very dry, and sometimes itchy. Although the last couple days it has become liquidy off and on throughout the day. 
I have been a bit constipated.
I am exhausted during the day but can't sleep at night. Lots of burping and rear end gas. I have been stressed lately with bills, and a recent natural disaster causing grief in my life. I have been very sentimental, and sad the last week, more than usual. I find myself crying more, and I have quite a bit of shoulder and neck strain pain. Tolerable things though
I do have a couple smokes during a day, I walk a lot as I do not have a car. 
I am wondering what could be going on, I know it's probably too early to take a test, or I could just have a stomach bug, but what do you guys think 😁😐😐