thanking god

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016
for looking out for me and my son. i got A new dr. today that WILL be delievering me as well. she very nice and seems well educated so does her nurse..they don't have my records yet so i let them know i failed my one hour glucose and classified myself as GD bc my a1c was so high and my old office would make a big deal so i made a big the new docs. tell me well I didn't fail by that much and your a1c number is not that high you may not be GD so they talked me into doing the 3 hour so I'm following their lead it's time to get this settled once and for all ....bc i thought i was doing the right thing classifying myself getting on the road to medication but my old office was going to transfer me far away without consel or diet info....this office is doing everything here so if I am GD im in the right hands and if I'm not thank God anways.