
Martika • Baby Marybella on the way!! First time parents and blessed to start this journey 😄
Hi I'm a first time mom here and about 38 weeks. I have not dialated at all and doctor said the would be able to induce me at 40 weeks at first I was like no thank you but no I'm kind of reconsidering. It would be perfect for my husband sake bc he has to go straight back to work but if I'm induced he would be able to be with my in the hospital sat, sunday and monday and back to work on tuesday he works (3:30 am-1:00pm) so i would hate to put him through no sleep at all with the excitement of the baby and hopsital is uncomfortable for him. So with that said what is the negative of being induced ? Babygirl will be fully baked (40 weeks) and estimated to be about 8 lbs .. Thank you for your help