Weight gain

Niesel • 25 years old, born and raised in Oklahoma.. mom to a beautiful 3 year old girl and expecting my second daughter via c-section on Sept 14th. 💚✌
I gained 65 lbs during my first pregnancy with my daughter. I'm only 5 foot so I was a little chunk lol. Anyway, I'm 7 months along with my second daughter and I've gained 22 lbs so far. Even though my blood pressure is good and I passed my glucose test, my doctor is telling me to watch my weight and put a halt on it. (same obgyn that delivered my first daughter) I can understand why she wants my to watch what I eat and my weight. I know pregnancy isn't a ticket to eat anything and everything you want.. but I'm bitter. I hate feeling guilty about eating a bowl of cereal after after dinner or eating an- oh so delicious- ice cream sandwich. 😖😂 I just needed to vent and wonder if there are any of you ladies going through the same thing?