Breached baby


Went in today for my weekly check and the doctor said that I'm two centimeters dialated and she could feel the baby's foot. Did a quick scan and she is breeched. Original due date was July 25. Now we have a C-section planned for July 19th. Anyone else experienced this? Any possible way to turn her naturally? My doctor didn't give me any option except a C- section. Any advise would be appreciated. 
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Posted at
I am in a somewhat similar situation myself. My due date is July 19th and I will be 38 weeks on Monday. My baby had been breech the entire time and finally flipped head down last Sunday. I think he had flipped successfully because I started seeing a Chiropractor for the Webster Method and also incorporated prenatal massage. It definitely loosened my hips and back! So I stopped both therapies thinking I was in the clear and he went back breech!! :( So I went back to the chiropractor today and what do you know???? Head down again within hours!! Try it


Posted at
I'm 37 weeks and my baby boy just turned. He was breech the entire time. There's still hope!


Posted at
My little girl is breached as well, I am due the 27th and I have a c section scheduled for the 19th. I am 2 cm as well and the doctor says even if I move to a 3 cm I will be sent to labor and delivery but I have no chance of my baby turning, I have a septum which is causing me to run out of room so she can't flip. Your doctor might be able to push your baby so it turns. As long as your baby is healthy the delivery shouldn't matter.


Posted at
Were you offered the possibility of a version? (ECV) My baby has been breech since my 37 week appointment and I'm trying one tomorrow. It's only a 50/50 chance the doctor can turn the baby, but I figure I will give it a shot as I really want a vaginal delivery.


Jaz • Jul 3, 2016
@kristin - did you have an epidural for the version? I'm going on Wednesday to attempt the version. Just praying it all goes well and nothing causes me to go into early labor.


Kristen • Jul 3, 2016
Oh and my version was unsuccessful btw, but I don't regret trying!


Katie • Jul 3, 2016
I want to say they won't do a version since you're already dilating. side-effect of a version is sometimes it puts women into labor... I'm sure she doesn't want to risk that with you already being dialated and only 36 weeks pregnant. Who knows though :) Maybe just ask about it.


Posted at
I had a breeched baby and he turned on his own I'm 37 weeks and 5 days. Hes been breech his entire time. Have faith babe x


Georgie • Jul 3, 2016
it was his bum lol. now his feet go under their and its sore lol xx


Georgie • Jul 3, 2016
i thought his head was underneath my right ribs but


Ba • Jul 3, 2016
Thanks! That would be amazing if she flipped. She is currently under my left breast and it's uncomfortable to even wear a bra!


Posted at
Check out spinning babies but it's likely this late that baby won't turn or will turn half way and get stuck then you will mostlikely require a worse kind of c-section but my sisters baby turned the morning of her c-section. 


Posted at
There's still time. My doctor didn't schedule my c section until 38 weeks for the following week. He said she could still turn but very unlikely at this point. 


Posted at
We are 37w4d and had an ultrasound yesterday confirming breech positioning. Baby is also Measuring large (estimated 8lb2oz already 😳) so we are scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks....they will do another ultrasound before the section to confirm baby hasn't turned on its own but she doesn't think it's super likely given size. She didn't recommend a version for a variety of reasons so we don't think the risks are worth it when we could end up needing a c-section anyways. Will see I guess! As long as baby is healthy and I am okay I am not fighting it. Just want to meet our little one!  


Ba • Jul 3, 2016
Same position we are in! She said you can try and see a specialist and turn her but there is not chance it will work and it's really painful for the mom. My girl is also measuring a week ahead! My doctor didn't say anything about doing another ultrasound prior to the c section. I'll have to ask her


Posted at
No epidural, just a medicine to relax my uterus/ prevent contractions...I think it was enough. As uncomfortable as the turning portion was, it only lasted a few minutes! Best of luck, I hope it works for you!


Posted at
That definitely might be true. My doctor said she typically doesn't do versions until 37-38 weeks.  My cervix was soft and I was a fingertip dilated when she tried it.  Good luck to you!!