Gods Plan

June 23,2015 at only 25 weeks due to preeclampsia I gave birth to a beautiful Babygirl named Desire , weighing only 1lb and 3 ounces ! It was the most heartbreaking thing I ever went through in my life !! Losing my first child at only 23 I was so devastated, her birthday just rolled around and we had a fantastic time celebrating my baby's first birthday in Heaven. Long story short May 21,2016 was the first day of my last period , so whe June 21 rolls around I'm expecting my period but no period , June 25th rolls around & still NO period so by now I'm getting worried! June 27th came and something said take a test just do it !! I took one it immediately said positive still in denial I go out the next day and buy 2 more , took one the night of June 28th it immediately said positive AGAIN! Still indenial because of what I been going through I still decide to take the last test that morning & guess what ? Yup positive !! My Fiancé is so happppyyyyy we are pregnant gain but to me it's bittersweet only because I wish I had Desire but I know God does everything for a reason & I know my pregnancy this time will succeed knowing now what i didn't know my first pregnancy I'm going to strive to have a healthy baby this go & ive already thought of names lol if she's a girl Ima name her Halo, & if he's a boy I'm thinking about just making him a junior lol if his dad would like that !! Keep me in your prayers everyone and I'll do the same Thank you