Period birth control spotting and bf

Soo the begining of june my bf and i messed around in the nude (grinding and stuff) we didnt have sex (and i know everyone is tired of hearing the same question) but i freaked out and had an axiety attack about being pregnant and havent felt good since. So a week after that i got my period (thank god) but i havent been able to eat alot since then, now today ive been having really bad diaherria and im not supposed to have my period for another 11 days but it seems like its started bc im bleeding. Am i being paraniod? It feels like cramps but my stomach has felt terrible since the whole thing. Im sure (still scared though) im not pregnant bc ive been taking birth control for three months at the same time everyday. I guess my question is... Should i be worried? Should i just wait and see what happens?