Twins arrived at 36 weeks...

Shelby •
Since it was for a surrogacy I won't be able to post photos of the babes in good conscious, but this is a picture of me enjoying our last few moments with the help of an epidural. I was induced at 35+6 after tests revealed preeclampsia and cholestasis, but fortunately these issues had just developed and baby boys were both healthy and breathing with no complications whatsoever. Gave birth at approx. 3am at exactly 36 weeks. Twin A was born 5lbs, 2oz -18 inches; Twin B came 6 minutes later 6lbs, 5oz -19 inches. Delivery went off without a hitch and was much easier than my singleton, which is still an understatement. These guys literally slid right out, embarrassingly. Doctor gave me the epidural early in case we needed an emergency c-section and Baby A was very much in place. Honestly didn't feel much of anything and I'm okay with that, my first birth was an opposite experience so now I've got checks in both boxes.