Confused cycle after miscarriage?

Had a miscarriage on May 11. AF returned after 5 weeks and 1 day. Doctor said to wait one cycle. Before AF came I had 2 days of cm. I should be ovulating now and I'm dry as a bone! For 2 days, I had cm. I'm so confused , I thought I was on track! Did I miss my chance, we tried tonight but it didn't work out!😡 These apps are messing with my head, I have a 31 cycle and everything works as per confirmed by Fertlity doctor!👍 I want scream!😡😡😡
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Your cycle will not be the same after a miscarriage.  Don't expect it to go back to what is was prior to pregnancy. It will take time to readjust itself. Be patient! I have had 2 mc, so I know how frustrating it can be. So sorry for your loss.


Erin • Jul 2, 2016
It took 6 months for my body to regulate itself. Be patient.


Danylle • Jul 2, 2016
Yesterday, for the first time I decided to use an ovulation test and it came up negative? What's the deal?


Danylle • Jul 2, 2016
I'm sorry for your losses. I thought it going back to regularity despite what I read and heard. AF came June 17th and my cycle always comes around that time. I have a longer cycle, so I though I was ovulating July 1-6 and now I'm not sure. Did I already ovulate those cm days or is it happening later