How do I even respond?!

So I posted an updated belly picture today. I'm having twins and I've had a really hard time with how big I feel I am, and how much weight I've put on so far this pregnancy. (I planned on maintaining my weight where it was, so I wouldn't have so much to take off later because I was considered 'overweight' for my BMI prepregnancy🙄) My cousin took it upon herself to post a comment that was 'funny' to her, but not so much to me. It kind of took me off guard. I've been walking a mile at least 3 times a week, I try to eat as healthy as I can (but when I'm sick, I eat what I crave because it's what I can get down) and I really haven't gained a TON I guess, but seriously? It just really hurt my feelings and didn't help make me feel any better about my weight. ☹️