Labschool scare.


Sunday night I went to bed feeling very crampy, I was getting lots of sharp pains in pelvic and on my sides. Baby was moving most of the night. I am 38 weeks pregnant, so I had no clue if it was real or fake contractions. Turns out it was real.

I felt like I had to use the bathroom around 1pm. I had been staying in bed if I didnt use bathroom then all of a sudden I felt like my world went black.

I felt liquid coming out of me so I at first I thought it was pee then based on what my sis in law said I thought my water was breaking. Oh how I wish that was true. But instead my 4th of july had me admitted to hospital. The fluid wasnt clear but bright red. A gushes of blood was coming out huge clots to mixed with some membrane looking stuff. The only thing running through my head is OMG MU BABY IS GOING TO DIE SOMETHING IS WRONG. I had no spotting whole pregnancy, my mucous plug had been out almost 2 weeks before and at my ob apt that past wed. I was not fialted but my boys head was super low already.

On top of that here I am thinking labor started. My fiance phone was dead, he had no clue what was going on for 4 hours at least. On top of that when er came clothes were drenched in blood and I had no hospital bag packed and I wasnt ready for my son to arrive, heck our crib isnt even in room yet. So of course out of all things my cell I left at the house. My only way of communication. I am utter freak out mode. Even my nurses and er ob initially thought it was something wrong with my placenta. Blood is still coming out a good 2 hours later. Legs covered feet. Sheets. Hospital pads. And I am BY MYSELF through the scariest moments of my life. I had no pain with blood came bit soon I started getting a mix of braxton hicks as well as regular contractions. With 7 at least different drs and an overwhelming feeling im bursting out in tears, the lady in room next to mine, room wasnt private, started mocking me and her and her mom kept laughing. I felt so disrespected by them. And star of course couldnt do anything. I had several blood labs down, cervical exams done, checked for dialtion a couple different. More bleeding. Finally they got me hooked up to hear my sons heartbeat it was on the lower end staying in 110-120 instead of his normal 135-150 range.

Now the labs proved my water did not break, baby was in good health but this momma was not. Turns out I have a cyst/polyp on my cervix since before or very early pregnancy. Nobody saw this during previous pelvic. Exams. Well it turns out sex from 3 days before is what aggravated the cysts and it was ruled as the reason for all the bleeding. Though they still dont know for sure why there was so much. I kept passing blood clots even during my night stay. Had to get medicines like Tylenol and morphine and others. They affected my heart problem and so here I am in pain from the contractions, by myself might I remind you, and now my heart is having to get an ekg. Finally the pain from the meds stopped. Then I had to have more blood drawn. Turns out that I had something dealing with this fiber word meaning the chemical that breaks down blood clots, it was next to none. Afyer eating it went up 2 points so they deemed me poo k and finally the clots started to stop showing. Its 6:30pm on the 5th and I was admitted at 1pm on the 4th... and im at home now but still spotting.

I am so thankful eventually my fiance came to hospital, he went to the wrong one 30 minutes from me.

Then came monitoring my sons heart. This boy is a little ball of trouble already instead of being able to sleep after strong dosage of morphine and other medicine, my son wanted to stay awake kick the machine off of him or move out of the way so they couldnt hear his heart, which was important. So here it is after 12 am.... I still getting ekg done and my nurses had to come into my room every 5, 10, 15,20,or 30 minutes to fix the belts that were wrapped around me. He wouldnt listen. Onve again his fathers son -.- so this momma was running on 2 hours sleep in mixed intervals for the past 2 days already. 7'8 am comes around and im so tired, blood clots stopped passing in urine, an di am finally able to go home. They still have no answers for the amount of blood of what the membrane looking stuff was. I have been put on a no sex order (which is like suicide) until further notice as well as a take it easy. No bed rest but my real ob might put me on it thursday. I will need to have the cysts/polyp removed or burned off after surgery, and the way my nurses where talking there is a chance up I might need to have a csection . I have never been so scared in my life.

So now I know why having hospital bag is so important, make sure I pack shoes, bring my phone and stuff to do, and be prepared to eat only ice ..n which I wasnt allowed anything by month until 7pm!!!!!!!.

So I found out im 50% effaced on half my cervix but near the polyp im not effaced at all, its uneven which may pose a problem. And I dod start dialtion at hospital 1cm last time they checked at 5pm.