Should I go see my doctor?


All today I have been breathless which I've heard is normal as the baby starts taking up more space in my body. I'm at 16 weeks 5 days.

During a 2 1/2 hour trip to Walmart I felt pain in my sides under my belly. It didn't hurt that bad but was uncomfortable. It just felt like an ache but was different than cramping, more like my belly was being pushed so far out that my skin felt like it was stretching and wasn't going to be able to contain the stretching.

Also during that time I was getting a little off balance although I always associate my off balanceness with my equilibrium being thrown off since I had this spout of benign positional vertigo barely a year ago.

Just a minute ago I felt kinda light headed and just had to sit down, which I just sat on the kitchen floor it was that sudden and intense enough that I knew I needed to not be standing anymore.

I'm probably dehydrated and have had a long day of running around and being tired. I'm also getting very hungry right now but my boyfriend is down a man since he made me go sit down.

Is this all normal? I kind of feel like it is. I also have my OB appointment tomorrow so I was just going to wait for that since it's not that far away.

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