Labor soon?

Hello ladies! I'm a FTM and was wondering if labor is near??? I'm 39+4 and my belly has been tightening a lot in the past few hours to the point where it gets uncomfortable. (not 3 to 5 minutes apart though) Almost like there's a bruise under my boobs/upper belly. I know what BH contractions feel like because I've had them since I was about 32 weeks and this doesn't feel like them (I don't think) . He's still wiggling all over the place but he feels verrrry low, almost like he's punching my cervix repeatedly. My last doctors appointment was last Friday and I wasn't dilated but I was 70% effaced. My next appointment is this Friday and I will be 39+ 6. I haven't lost my mucus plug yet but ive heard that some women lose it when they go into labor. Does this mean labor is close????