Am I the only one?

Robyn • Pregnant with our First baby. Married for 10 years this July. Baby Luna due July 11th 2016!
Am I the only one due soon (July 11th) and not really getting an labor signs??  FTM here. 
Dr. appointment last week (Friday) I was at 2cm dilated 60% effaced and super soft cervix but I haven't lost my mucus plug.. I've been looking for it every. single. wipe. 
I haven't been having very many cramps/contractions just like some achy ones in my lower abdomen but nothing that I have to pause and breathe through and never consistent they are just like light period cramps. 
I count the baby's kicks in the morning and evening bc I'm getting anxious here. 
Ready to meet our lil girl but I feel like nothing's really happening.. I'm not complaining but just want to know if anyone else is in the same boat.