I'm pro choice but I just never thought I'd make that choice

I'm pretty sure I posted this in the wrong group but here goes: Back in April my fiance and I took our beautiful 17 month old daughter to Puerto Rico for a few weeks to meet her grandmother. About a week after  we got back to NYC I woke up with red itchy bumps all over my face by the next morning they were half way down my body so I went to the hospital. They ran blood work and told me I was pregnant. They said since I was pregnant and had recently traveled to Puerto Rico they were gunna test for the Zika virus just to be safe but they highly doubted I had it. Less than a week later the hospital called and asked me some questions about my stay in Puerto Rico and then told me that I did in fact have the Zika virus and that I should go in ASAP to have a sonogram to see how far along I was and if there were any signs that the virus had reached the baby. Turns out the baby did have Zika. I was bombarded with all the health problems my baby would have if I continued the pregnancy. At the time we were struggling financially with just one child so we knew it'd be extremely difficult to provide the level of care our baby would've required. We terminated, and used a different form of birth control (since I got pregnant while on the depo shot). My fiancé was very supportive throughout the whole process (he kinda had to be we didn't tell anyone so no one, not his family or mine knew what was going on). It's been almost 11 weeks and while I feel somewhat better I'm still not completely back to normal. My sex drive used to be so high he had a hard time keeping up but now I don't even want him to touch me. He thinks I don't wanna be with him anymore but that's not it. I love him so much but how am I supposed to expect him to understand when I don't even know what's going on. Sometimes I'm happy sometimes I'm sad/angry. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I wanna try again once the doctor medically gives the ok to try again but other times I feel like I don't deserve that chance because of my choice to terminate.