Milk 11 months after breastfeeding?

Hi everyone! So when my son was born I was only able to breastfeed him for 6 days. He is now almost 11 months old. My breasts have been killing me the last week or so. And yesterday I noticed my nipples were dry and itchy. So when I was in the shower last night I tried getting off all of the dry skin and then since my breasts were sore I ended up squeezing them. And a little drop of either milk or colostrum came out of my right breast. I've done this before and milk never came out. I had to stop my birth control after my last cycle because I lost my health insurance. Could that be why? I've been noticing some other symptoms lately like fatigue, cramping, hot flashes, etc. And the other day I had a high fever so I was worried about a uti. But I've also been worried maybe I'm pregnant? I had unprotected sex 4 times but my husband only finished in me once (yes I know once is all it takes) and I took plan b that same day. It would be too early for me to take a test since I'm not due for my period for 6 days but I want to get some opinions on whether or not you think I may be pregnant? I know I would be too early to produce colostrum so idk.