June baby now a July baby


My June baby is now a July baby. I had this strong feeling that she was going to be early, but boy, was that wrong!

I'm 42 weeks today, and just learned that because of the now-necessary induction and financial reasons, I have to deliver at a different hospital and with an OB rather than my midwife. They're in the same practice, so I've at least met him, but an having an OB step in just for the pushing phase isn't the relaxed, peaceful birth I've been planning on.

Not only that, but because of my being 'past term', the OB will only use Pitocin to induce me. Which intensifies and quickens contractions much more quickly than your body naturally does. And because of that, my midwife suggested an epidural.

I know that plans change, and with birth, anything can happen, but now, rather than looking forward to delivery as the beginning of a beautiful story, I'm terrified. My husband is trying to be supportive, but he has no idea what I'm going through.

I sincerely don't mean to look down on women who have chosen this route-it's just such a far cry from the peaceful, natural birth that I was excited for, that I'm devastated. I'm trying to be calm, but I'm dreading the next few days. I don't want to hate the day my baby enters this world. Help, please!