Jealous of my best friend in the whole wide world.

My husband and I have been TTC on and off again since we were first married in 2005. I have PCOS, and a strong family history of ovarian cancer ( my Mom ) and my husband has terribly low sperm counts. No vericose's just he's on med's for seziures and can't come off the meds to improve count. My mom gets placed on hospice this past Christmas, and my best friend in the whole world  goes off of birth control, lies to her husband about it, and a little over a year later is pregnant. I'm having a pitty party of one. I'm happy for her but deep down I'm so angry and mad and pissed and jealous and just want to wake up and all this be a dream. I coached her threw everything...interpreting the test, going to the doctor...telling her husband, who, btw dosent want children. I just want to throw something and vomit and scream! I'm mad at the world right now. I fee like nothing goes my way. My dying mother is asking for a grand baby and I'm like sorry I'm broken. Ugh. I'm so ducking bitter. 