TTC while on vacation

mdw💝 • Married❗️Family of 🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♀️ 👶🏽
A little history. I had two large fibroids (8cm and 9cm) removed in 2012. They were causing heavy bleeding and pain. At the time I was 23. In Sept of 2015, I had a D&C due stop heavy bleeding. Polyps were found during that procedure so I had those removed as well. My Doctor recommended birth control for 6 months but I only took it for 4 then Started trying to conceive immediately. It's hard to find others with a history similar to mine so I am hoping this AA group can shed some light on how any of you have successfully conceived after any of these issues. Please share if you can. I'd greatly appreciate it. 
This is our third cycle trying. This time around I've been taking fertility blend for 2 months now. Also, adding in preseed. I also plan to eat some pineapple. 
This cycle I had a planned vacation. AF due the 18th, according to glow but I'm usually irregular. I took my supplies with me including OPK, preseed, fertility blend and prenatal vitamins. I tested on the July 2nd (Low Fertility), July 3rd (LF), and July 4th (Peak Fertility). Has anyone else went from low fertility to peak fertility?
I took advantage and BD on the 4th and 5th. I used preseed. This is my first time using it. Has anyone had positive results with Fertility Blend and Preseed?
I have a little concern that I just hiked the Grand Canyon for 10.5 hours and hoping that doesn't have a negative effect on my body. Now, I am on the two week wait.