For all you talking about Alton Sterling...

Alex💋 • 12.20.15 💕🔒
Since there's been 2 black people shot in the past few days. For all you saying the whole #black lives matter. Within two freaking days 11 officers have been shot. 4 dead and the rest in hospital. All shot by black men and women. So now, don't you think that's sad too?! Not just white people can be bad. All people can be bad. Go look on the news. All you people on here are saying how the white cops who shot them are wrong and cruel. What about those 11 white cops that have been shot now? 
Also, the Alton Sterling case has come up with evidence that someone reported he was WAVING HIS GUN at them. For the cops safety, he protected himself. Yes it's sad but it happened. That doesn't give the right for black men and women to shot 11 COPS. Those cops that were shot were at a "black lives matter" protest. 
CONGRATULATIONS TEXAS you just shot 11 dang people. 
So since two black people were killed by cops, black men and women feel the need to shoot 11 other cops to make up for the 2? That's not how it works. 
Black lives matter, white lives matter. Can everyone just agree both black and white people matter and stop with this nonsense?!