My 2 cents.....glow app and users

When I open this app and see teenagers (14-16) asking about "how to ride dick" or "fake a period" or anything about sex and debating about keeping their devastates me. I honestly believe there needs to be an age limit for this group. 
For the little girls trying to "Ride dick"- please protect your heart first. You are young and make sure you are ready. Don't do anything you dont want to do in order to make a boy happy. Think about your future. Your sex life now WILL matter when you get married. It does affect you and your emotions. Please be careful. Value YOURSELF first.
For the girls who "don't want to be pregnant"- please don't post pregnancy test that say you are pregnant. I almost cry every month when I do start my period because I want a baby with my husband so bad. If you don't want to get pregnant USE PROTECTION and educate yourselves! 
There are WOMEN in this group who long to be pregnant and have been trying for years. Yes, we can talk about sex and lifestyles but it scares me when young girls are actively involved with this and don't know the last thing about protecting themselves, then find it okay to post about abortions here. 
<a href="">Glow app</a> administrators: please PLEASE consider an age limit when it comes to sex, and pregnancy categories. Thank you.