Judging relationships

Why do so many people feel like it's their place to judge someone else's relationship? Like, saying that watching porn or having a threesome is cheating. If you consider it cheating in YOUR relationship, then that's your decision to make with your partner. No one is making you do those things, it's your choice. But if you tell someone else that they're cheating for having a threesome, or that their man/woman doesn't love them because he/she watches porn, or that their relationship isn't real or legitimate because they do something that you wouldn't do, then just stop. You're the one that's in the wrong there. You only get to decide what's best for you and your partner, you can't dictate other people's love or relationships. And please, for the love of all that is good, stop bringing religion into everything. "God meant for a marriage to be between man and woman, God meant for marriage to be sex between only two people, God doesn't approve of that, God this, God that." Not everyone is a Christian, and not everyone cares about what your religion has to say about their private relationship. As long as what they're doing is legal, consensual, and safe, then please just stay out of other people's business.