
Just curious, im not a politically correct person by any means. But anything that depicts minorities in a negative light offends me. Today I got in an argument with a woman online because she posted something that I found offensive about the LBGTQ community. I just simply commented that I found it offensive because of its implication. This really upset her. She went on and on about how horrible it was to find something offensive. I kept asking "why do you care what offends me?" And she wouldn't answer.
Why do some people care so much about what others think or feel? Me being offended by something has no effect on you. It effects me and my life only. I find something offensive and then I move on with my day. I don't ask people to mold their opinions or actions to my beliefs. So why do people act like my being offended about racist, antisemitic or anti LGBTQ rhetoric is SO horrible? If you did something that offended me, and you don't care, move on with your life. I've moved on with mine. Stop trying to tell people what to think and feel. Some people are more sensitive than others. Why do you all care so much? If it's your free speech to be racist, it's my free speech to say I'm offended by your racism. 
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Posted at
You said "stop trying to tell people what to think and feel," while literally telling people what to think and feel. Unless it's a discussion forum such as this, I tend to keep my opinions to myself. If I find something offensive...say, on FB...I usually don't feel the need to announce it to the person. I ignore it, or block the person, and move on.


Valerie🌷 • Jul 14, 2016
I completely agree with you.


Posted at
Because people are getting offended by everything today. 


Posted at
I agree. I don't know why people are so offended when others get offended. If someone is offended by what I say, i either have empathy and feel bad or I think "wow. That person is a pussy. How could she be offended by xyz?" But I don't fight with them to try to deny the validity of their feelings. They can be offended by whatever the fuck they want. 


Posted at
Honesty, like there is a huge difference between overdoing political correctness to where you just aren't alowed to say anything, and just being a decent human, and people seem to flip out when you express that they aren't being a decent human and ramble about how political correctness is going overboard, like no, just don't be a complete asshole


Posted at
People like that annoy me. Seriously, if I tell you you've offended me, believe it or not, it's most likely because you really said something offensive. It pisses me off if someone calls me "too sensitive" if I call them out on offensive speech, and yet they chuck a hissy fit for someone making them aware of their own bad behaviour? Okay. And """"im"""" sensitive. Of course there are people that take it too far, but more often than not, if you just act like a decent human being, people won't need to be calling you out for offending them. 


Posted at
Tbh, you could sneeze on someone and they'd call you racist lpl