39 weeks 2 dayssssss πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

I have done EVERYTHING to get into labor the past week.. Went to doctors his head is down and cervix in thinning but not dilated... I gave up first all I don't have NO energy to be walking everyday,my sex drive went downnnnnnn at 38 weeks,I feel weird af playing with my nipples,and tea is just plain out nasty never liked it,primrose oil was getting annoying,I'll be on my yoga ball still but that's it. I have got to the point to where I'm just going to let him do whatever he wants πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ I really DONT want to get induced like at all but oh well what can I do. I pray he comes in these next 4 days on his own but if not Idk I just hope if I have to get induced I don't get a c-section and everything goes ok. It's my first baby so I have no clue what to expect at all. But till then I'm chillin. 😴😴 I been getting contractions they are getting stronger and stronger each day but idk how to time them or anything I'm clueless with it all.Β