When a stranger makes your day

I brought my grandmother to get her haircut today with my little sister whose 7 and my 2 year old goddaughter granted I'm only 22 and 33 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I've been very sad and lonely lately since I only see me fiancé 2 days a week. I woke up in a sad mood this morning. Today at the haircut place I was sitting there and 2 older women were sitting across from me. One women says "you look adorable pregnant" that made my whole day I've been feeling so sad and gross and been feeling so big lately. That simple comment from a complete stranger made me feel so good about myself. I talked to her for a bit about me having a boy and her family. Then when I left she congratulated me with the warmest smile. That woman has no idea how good she made me feel. A simple gesture can help someone so much. It really helped me.