I feel like I'm a burden on everyone

Lately, I admit these pregnancy hormones have been making me act out of character but for the most part it is truly how I feel, I'm just able to express it now without controlling it. I like that I stand up for myself but I also feel like everyone hates me. That may be dramatic but I feel like I always argue, make people angry or just bother them. I can't help how I feel and I can't help my emotions but it's making me unhappy.

I get my feelings hurt (yes, a bit more easily now) and it makes me feel worse when people argue rather than just apologize. I fee like an evil witch who is just an emotional burden on everyone and some people aren't afraid to let that be known. It makes me wish I could just hold my emotions back sometimes or go to a deserted island during this pregnancy. I'm sure I sounds dramatic but I just had an argument with my husband and I'm freshly emotional. I'm sure you ladies can understand in some form or another... at least I hope so... otherwise I am really losing it. Which is actually how I feel.

I just want to feel normal again.