Was this braxton hicks contraction???

Hello, I'm am 35/ rolling into 36 weeks by Monday. I'm not sure but I think I experience my first Braxton hicks. I was wondering if any of this sounds like it was. I'm at car rental place the other in a parking lot. I just sat in my car waiting for a phone car. I got in normally and slow. As I was sitting there my up part of my back start hurting random( likejust below my bra strap)  I try to adjust my chair lay back or lay on my side,  sit up more but it wouldn't help. It was really  uncomfortable, then my tummy hurt like gas pains kinda like cramp your about to start your period but not full intense type. It was noticeable not painful just uncomfortable with my back hurting.  I got so uncomfortable that I had to step out of the car to stand and breath. The poor lady who was trying to tell me estimat, I had to her repeat what she was saying like 5 times and for some reason I couldn't focus or process what she was saying in that moment cuz my attention was on the discomfort.  So this all ran about 2 mins I think after that I felt fine. Didn't experience anything  again as of yet. When I went inside the office the lady( she in her 40/50's, has 3 kids)  said I had Braxton hick.
Truthfully I have no idea what going with my body at that time when I was through with. I'm not sure if that was actually it. 
What do you all think? This my first time pregnancy, I really have no clue. I don't even what a contract feels like other what I have read it feel like cramps like periods but very intense.