
Hi everyone im 18 weeks pregnet with my 4th child and i have been with the dad who is the father of all of my other children for some years now and i just need to vent. So currently the father of my children said that he dosent want to be on a relationship right now 😕 this woulf all be fine if i wasent so pregnet and emotional. I checked his phone and found out that he was talkin to another female that he did not tell that he had a girlfriend and 3 kids and ofcourse not a 4th on the way. Im trying to just leave him alone but its very hard when we love in the same house and he keeps trying to have sex with me and be all lovey bull shit but when he gose to work he doesn't call me or nothing im just really upset an dont no what to do and dont havw nobody to talk to foe advise im just tired of being played. I feel like i put in my all and it never ment anything. 😫😫