Makena drama


I don't know how many of us are going through this. But I am at risk for a pre-term birth, since my first was a pre-term (30 weeks). So, as a preventative measure, my OB has me on a synthetic progestin shot. (Hehe, auto correct tried to make "shot" to "shot", bad auto correct.)

Anyways, most of the compound pharmacies across the nation have been shut down by the Food and Drug administration. Now there is one major company, Makena. For 4 doses of this medication is over $ 3,000. And is the only fda approved.

With my insurance, my co-pay is $ 1283.70, which I have since been told that amount is small compared to other private insurance. Which is insane. Also, because this is not a "life saving" drug, the insurance company can withhold the drug till you pay. Seriously? So everyone rather pay for NICU expenses then avoid the whole problem? Or sadistically tell a mother how unfortunate or sad it is that she lost her child due to pre-term labor?

Help me out here, am I crazy to think this way?

There are hard working people who pay faithfully for private insurance who get whamed with an outrageous co-pay on a medication that drains everything they have, or risk losing that precious little life.

I know it's stressful for me, but I have a whole community to back me up. I can't imagine trying to do this alone, feeling like I'm drowning emotionally and financially. Poor Mamas.

But there are advocates out there, it's just finding them. March of Dimes, Knights of Columbus, pregnancy centers, local churches. But even calling on these groups have made me feel like I'm running in circles too, though they have been helpful.

I'm sorry this was a long rant, but I really wanted to reach out, in case there was another mama wondering if she was the only one, or have no idea where to look for help or support. <3