VBAC or C-section -- worried about my 4yo coping

I'm 8mos Preggo and I've already scheduled a c-section, but I'm getting more and more worried about having to recover with my 4yo around. She already has trouble remembering not to jump on me with my belly in the way. I know she's going to be very upset with me having to be in the hospital, and I don't think she believes me when I tell her that then dr is just gonna make a "scratch" and give me magic pills to get the baby out. My biggest fear is that she'll blame the baby or herself for "hurting mommy," since she wished for a baby sister. 
My doctor says I can try for a VBAC but there's slightly more risk involved. I'm looking for advice. Should I try for a VBAC even though it involves more risk during delivery? Has anyone had any experience trying to recover from a c-section with an energetic child around?